This week it's not about running at all but instead my beloved Bobbins Birdie bike.
I heard about #MCRwomenbike, a great photography project running in Manchester aimed at shortening the gender gap in women and sport, and inspiring women to get on their bikes. What a great cause! I have dutifully submitted my photo and am awaiting moderation.
Based on the New York project #ibikebecause the project is aiming to collect photos all types of female cyclists on, or near, their bikes with a sign stating why they ride, or their biking achievement in celebration of International Women's Day.
The project welcomes photos from all female cyclists in Manchester, so whether you commute every day or just ride at the weekends, take a snap of you and your bike with reasons why you ride, submit it and get voting to inspire other awesome ladies to get out their too and discover the joys of riding a bike.
I've just scrolled through loads of submissions and they brought a HUGE grin to my face. Casting my vote is going to be tricky.
Here is my submission.
Happy cycling folks.
Do you cycle? What do you love about it?
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